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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Kwan Yin Worship

Here is the preliminary to what I hope will become a complete devotional in Pali. Freely admit to heavily borrowing from Theravadin forms. I like Pali as a language, and feel utterly comfortable with using it in my worship of Avalokitesvara.
Om mani padma hum
Om mani padma hum
Om mani padma hum.

Namo tassa Avalokitisvara
Namo tassa Avalokitesvara
Namo tassa Avalokitesvara 

Avalokitesvaro saranam gacchami
Dhammam saranam gacchami
Mettam saranam gacchami

Dutiyampi Avalokitesvaro saranam gacchami
 Dutiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami
 Dutiyampi Mettam saranam gacchami

Tatiyampi Avalokitesvaro saranam gacchami
Tatiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami
Tatiyampi Mettam saranam gacchami

Panca Sila 
Panatipata veramani sikka padam samdiyami
Adinna - dana veramani sikka padam samadiyami
Kamesu micchara cara veramani sikka padam samadiyami. 
Musavada veramani sikka padam samadiyami
Suraya meraya majja pama datthana veramani sikka padam samadiyami.

Metta Sutta 

yantaṃ santaṃ padaṃ abhisamecca,
This is to be done by one skilled in aims
Who wants to break through to the state of peace:
Sakko ujū ca suhujū ca
suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī,
Be capable, upright, & straightforward,
Easy to instruct, gentle, & not conceited,
Santussako ca subharo ca
appakicco ca sallahuka-vutti,
Content & easy to support, with few duties, living lightly,
Santindriyo ca nipako ca
appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho.
With peaceful faculties, masterful, modest, & no greed for supporters.
Na ca khuddaṃ samācare kiñci
yena viññū pare upavadeyyuṃ.
Do not do the slightest thing that the wise would later censure.
Sukhino vā khemino hontu
sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā.
Think: Happy & secure, may all beings be happy at heart.
Ye keci pāṇa-bhūtatthi
tasā vā thāvarā vā anavasesā,
Whatever beings there may be, weak or strong, without exception,
Dīghā vā ye mahantā vā
majjhimā rassakā aṇuka-thūlā,
Long, large, middling, short, subtle, blatant,
Diṭṭhā vā ye ca adiṭṭhā
ye ca dūre vasanti avidūre,
Seen or unseen, near or far,
Bhūtā vā sambhavesī vā
sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā.
Born or seeking birth: May all beings be happy at heart.
Na paro paraṃ nikubbetha
nātimaññetha katthaci naṃ kiñci,
Let no one deceive another or despise anyone anywhere,
Byārosanā paṭīgha-saññā
nāññam-aññassa dukkham-iccheyya.
Or through anger or resistance wish for another to suffer.
Mātā yathā niyaṃ puttaṃ
āyusā eka-puttam-anurakkhe,
As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child,
Evam-pi sabba-bhūtesu
māna-sambhāvaye aparimāṇaṃ.
Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.
Mettañca sabba-lokasmiṃ
māna-sambhāvaye aparimāṇaṃ,
With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart:
Uddhaṃ adho ca tiriyañca
asambādhaṃ averaṃ asapattaṃ.
Above, below, & all around, unobstructed, without enmity or hate.
Tiṭṭhañ'caraṃ nisinno vā
sayāno vā yāvatassa vigatam-iddho,
Whether standing, walking, sitting, or lying down,
as long as one is alert,
Etaṃ satiṃ adhiṭṭheyya
brahmam-etaṃ vihāraṃ idham-āhu.
One should be resolved on this mindfulness.
This is called a sublime abiding here & now.
Diṭṭhiñca anupagamma
sīlavā dassanena sampanno,
Not taken with views, but virtuous & consummate in vision,
Kāmesu vineyya gedhaṃ,
Na hi jātu gabbha-seyyaṃ punaretīti.
Having subdued desire for sensual pleasures,
One never again will lie in the womb.

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