I got falling down drunk the other night. As shissed as a fraggit.
Yesterday I woke to a Hell Realm.
Getting falling down drunk was an act of violence against my body. It was a clear absence of Metta. I felt so shitful because I had poisoned my body on Friday night. I had intoxicated my body. Because I had intoxicated myself, the body responded to the poison by hurting, by telling me I had committed an act of violence upon it. In intoxicating myself I was getting things wrong.
This morning as I practised Metta I took the time to examine where else I have been going wrong.
I tend to binge on things. There is the binging on alcohol with the associated pain. I also binge on fats and sugars. The other day I binged on Tim Tams...and then found that in this new 3 Bean flavoured Tim Tam there was a flavouring or colouring that my body didn't like...and then spent the next 2 hours feeling completely shitful. My binging behavior attracted an unforeseen price.
This morning I was able to identify that I undermine and self harm when it comes to achieving my own goals. There seems to be an unwillingness to accept that I am entitled to looking as fabulous as Mr Reynolds looks. The result is I periodically binge. It's a nasty feedback loop: I'm not achieving what I want to, I binge. Because I binge, I don't achieve what I want to. It is also the complete absence of wisdom and Metta.
Having Metta for my body means I don't binge. It means that I recognize poisons when I see them and refuse to have them in my body. The simple fact of the matter is that highly processed "food" isn't food at all. As I write in Metta Tantra....food doesn't require a degree in Chemistry, food has an identifiable origin. If you look at a packet of Tim Tams, they aren't food. They have a very long list of ingredients. Raw fruit and vegetables, a steak are food. Hydrologised carbohydrate isn't.
Having identified where I have been self harming for years, this morning I turned my mind to my brother Mark. Yep, the one who suicided by lifestyle.
I asked myself: Is my behavior all that different from his? We both consume things we know are not good for us and in doing this do we not both self harm?
I had to answer: No, my behavior isn't that different from Marks. I do consciously consume poisons and engage in self harming behavior.
In common with my brother and everyone else on the planet my biological clock has an unknown countdown in action. We never know when we will die.
I thought was there a meditation that could be used to recognize and combat the mental habits that have denied me my goals for so long. Here is my attempt at formulating a meditation. A combination of Metta and Maranasati.
I accept full responsibility for how my body is. Our bodies are incredibly
and undeniably fragile. Death is normal and natural. My own Death is certain.
There is no possible way for me to escape, bribe or out run my Death. My
lifetime has an absolute limit and every breath brings me closer to the ending
of my life. Every moment brings me closer to my Death. Death can and does come
without warning. Death often arrives unannounced. I will die on a perfectly
ordinary day, a day just like today. My body requires Metta in order to
function at its best and to postpone death. This body requires balance in nutrition and
exercise to function at its highest.
I can be alive one moment
and planning my days and the next moment I can be dead. Eating the wrong foods can and will bring this about sooner than I am prepared to accept and before my goals are achieved. The world is utterly
unpredictable and random. Accidents can and do happen all the time. Also people
can and do simply drop dead. And I am not excluded from the fact that this can
happen to me. This body requires constant maintenance in the form of regular exercise, fresh
fruit, vegetables and protein in order to be healthy. I can eat my fill
of fresh fruit and vegetables. These foods heal and nourish the body.
Binging on alcohol, refined
carbohydrates, fats and sugars is harming this body, for these things
are poisons. Alcohol and refined products will kill this body if
consumed in large amounts on a regular basis.It is only the
practice of Dhamma that will help me deal with and accept my Death. The clutter
of possessions, relationships, careers will not help me when I am dying. Often
these things make it harder to die with many things left undone and unsaid. I
must have my lifetime in such a place that should I die today, that nothing
truly meaningful to me will be left unsaid or undone, especially acts and words
of love towards my body. I must be ready to leave this lifetime immediately.
I must live with great
gentleness and kindness, for how I live will determine in a very large degree
the state of my mind when I die. I can choose now to live and die without great
mental suffering in both myself and those I love. My friends and relatives
cannot do my dying for me.I can however lessen their pain at my Death by living
and dying well.
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